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Gulp 4 for Beginners
Introduction and Setup
Introduction & PDF download (1:58)
Gulp and Node.js (10:47)
Setting up Gulp (10:42)
Concepts in Gulp (12:11)
Initial file setup (4:43)
Sass workflow
Sass files setup (12:40)
Creating the Sass task (5:07)
Configuring Autoprefixer with Browserslist (2:44)
Creating the default Gulp task (2:49)
Running a local server (3:16)
Adding Font Awesome locally (14:15)
Adding Font Awesome via npm (5:27)
JavaScript workflow
Creating the JavaScript task (8:35)
Compiling ES6 to ES5 with Babel (4:06)
Bundling required Node modules with Browserify (15:05)
Utility Gulp functions
Minifying images (6:49)
Cache busting (13:47)
Optimizing Gulp
Run a local Browsersync server (5:56)
Detect and update Browsersync with a Gulp watch task (12:34)
Configuring dev and production Gulp tasks (8:54)
Gulp and Node.js
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